Thursday, July 24, 2008


I was able to get in my 6 miles after work today, but I had to walk the last two.

I'm not sure what's going on. My hips and knees just weren't in the game today. Good news though: my feet felt great!!

I did the first three miles pretty well:
1st mile: 11:00 (warm up)
2nd and 3rd miles: 10:30/8:30 every 1/2 mile

At the end of mile three, I stopped to get a drink of water and go use the restroom [aside: forgot how dirty beach bathrooms are]. I started back up again, but had to keep an 11:00 pace for my fourth mile. After attempting a few walk/run intervals, it was fairly obvious that I would just be walking back to my car.

It's not like Mission Bay is the worst place to be stuck walking, but it's frustrating when people are running passed you and you want to rev up and go!!

I did notice that my form has improved somewhat, though. I feel like I can stand up straighter.

Tomorrow is a rest day. I'm going to go on a walk in the morning and stretch a whole bunch. I want to be nice and loose for our long run on Saturday! TWELVE MILES!!! Yikes!!

1 comment:

Tauni said...

At least you got out there and did it. I missed last night because of a late meeting.

You are going to rock the 12!