Sunday, May 18, 2008

5/18 - One Saturday down...

Yesterday was my first long run with the Central Run Team. Well, it would have been, but I actually didn't get to run with them...

We gathered at 7:45am on Saturday morning at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society office in Kearny Mesa. For the next hour we did a meet and greet with fellow teammates and mentors (my mentor is Tammy, and she has a fraternal twin sister!), and then listened to our coach give valuable tips about marathon training, i.e., start hydrating for our long Saturday runs before Saturday... As in Friday. Given our summer training schedule, I am certain this will be a very crucial tip to follow.

Unfortunately I had to "run" (hah!) to class at 10:00am, so I left and returned on my own to run the course that afternoon. It was a nice and flat four miles through scenic Kearny Mesa: I passed several reputable looking strip-clubs, and enjoyed my job through the well manicured lawns of the Spectrum center. I was assured that morning that our longer long runs would feature much more scenic routes.

I finished the four miles with no problem, and rode the recumbent bike for 30 minutes this morning to "recover" my legs. Tomorrow morning I'll get in 4mi on the treadmill before work, and I'll be right on schedule with training. This coming Saturday we do 6mi- definitely the longest I've run in a while! We also have a shoe clinic at Road Runner Sports, where their experts will help us find the correct shoes, socks and clothing to wear when we run. I love buying stuff, and this is the perfect excuse to drop some cash on cute new running gear!

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