Thursday, May 15, 2008

5/15/08 - Training Schedule!

I just got a look at the schedule for the first month of training!

It looks like we're supposed to put ourselves into Team A, B or C, depending on our fitness/experience level. Since I've been running for about 6 months and used to have a pretty decent weekly mileage, I went with Team B.

This last week my training didn't exactly sync up with the recommendation (i.e., I should have run 4mi this morning instead of sleeping in and doing pilates this afternoon), but I will be getting in my 4mi run Saturday!

From there, it looks like I run four days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. The long runs on Saturday start at 4mi and increase every week up to 8mi on June 7! Luckily the M, W, Th runs stay between 3 and 5 miles. I'm glad I have coaches telling me what miles to run- I'd totally burn myself out and do way too many during the week in addition to long run.

I am REALLY excited now. It's all becoming much more tangible. Can't wait to meet the rest of my team on Saturday!

Thanks for checking in. And please, any past marathoners out there, feel free to give me advice!

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