Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30 On Feet, Hips, Hula Hoops and Muscles

I swear I workout less now than I did when I wasn't marathon training.

I've had to scrap my last two speed workouts due to foot pain. It's pretty discouraging- I was getting to a point back in January and February where I could run 25/mpw without problems. For whatever reason, I have yet to hit my weekly goals for the last two weeks- I was able to complete 14 of 23 miles through June 21, and 17 of 24 miles through June 29. I've never considered myself an athlete, but I do believe that I am in decent shape. I'm having trouble reconciling the fact that I can't just force my body to do what my training schedule dictates. But hopefully that all changes soon!

I saw a chiropractor on Friday afternoon who was infinitely more supportive than my physical therapist. I walked into his office and we had the following exchange:

Him: You're training for a marathon?
Me: Yes.
Him: So, you needed to be healed yesterday then?
Me: Yes. Exactly.
Him: Alright, we'll make you stop hurting now and work through the causes as you continue to train. Let's get started.

From there he did some adjustments in my feet, right knee, hips, spine and neck, and also some weird voodoo neurological type stuff with lasers. I completed the long run on Saturday (9.75 miles!) and was still in a lot of pain afterwards. However, yesterday and today I'm walking with less foot pain, so I'm taking that as a good sign. I see the doc again today, and we'll be working together for the rest of the season. I'm looking forward to it. :)

As I mentioned, I did a long run of 9.75 miles on Saturday morning. The team again met in Mission Bay, and this time we ran through Pacific Beach, down the boardwalk and then retraced our path back to the starting point. I've fallen into a pattern where I'll run the first half with Julie and Jess, and then Julie will leave us in the dust as she runs off with her long legs (being 6'0" must be nice!). Jess and I did manage to finish with negative splits, though! We kicked it up from ~10:30 pace to sub 9:30s for the last couple miles. We are by no means speed demons, but it felt good to have a little gas left in the tank towards the end.

We then stayed for the Honored Teammate Picnic. The San Diego team is divided up into three factions: Central (my team), North County (who we decided has better eye candy and ICE COLD Gatorade), and the walk team (how come we didn't think to join the walk team?!). My parents (hi mom and dad!) met me there around 10:30, and walked up just as I was competing in the Hula Hoop contest. After a hard fought battle, I clenched first place for the Central team! My parents were proud, I got some high fives from teammates and gained instant and life long fame. Perhaps it's a little overkill, but I haven't won anything in years, so I was very excited.

Following my triumph, I had a massage by our team therapist. I told him my feet and hips were in pain, and he asked if the hip injury was related to my hula-hooping ( I really am famous!). We got down to business, and he stretched me out pretty well and suggested that my feet issues actually stem from my lack of hip mobility. He showed me a couple stretches and recommended a book called ChiRunning. I've been hearing a lot about it lately, so I think I'll pick it up this week. It may be a little too new agey for my tastes, but I'm willing to try anything in order to run pain free at this point.

Which brings me to my last point of the post- in an effort to become stronger and more flexible, I've decided to recommit myself to strength training. I had developed a pretty good lifting routine, but I've neglected the iron for a while since I've been skipping the gym. I was trying to avoid driving unnecessarily, but my fitness is suffering as result. I've now tossed a couple gym outfits in my car so I can easily stop by and do some lifting when I have the chance. I hope the increased strength training, coupled with Pilates and spinning classes, will result in a more toned physique, less pain and better cardiac health. Seems like a pretty lofty goal, but a girl can dream right?

And with that I must sign off and get ready for my second voo-doo appointment. I'll keep you posted with the results!

1 comment:

L.A. Runner said...

WTG on the hoola hooping. My hips just won't do that. This sounds stupid, but put a tennis ball on the ground and roll the arch of your foot over it hard. That has helped loosen up my feet in the past. Hang in there w/ the foot problems. Also, good luck with pilates- I love it!!!!